Image of Coral Suite at Coral Reef Hotel and Spa in Port Blair featuring a three-seater sofa with a wooden coffee table and a lamp in the corner as the shelf displays showpieces and snacks and the door leads to the bedroom

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Direct Website Booking Offer - 15% Off

Book directly from our website and get 15% off on your stay in Coral Reef Hotel & Spa, Port Blair. This offer does not require a minimum length of stay. So grab this offer and treat yourself to a memorable experience at Port Blair!

Note: Offer valid till 25th September 2025.

Image of warmly lit Coral Suite at Coral Reef Hotel and Spa in Port Blair featuring a plush bed in front of a TV mounted on the wall and next to it is a work desk and a chair near the door to balcony

Image of Coral Suite at Coral Reef Hotel and Spa in Port Blair featuring a plush bed with pillows and cushions on it next to the door to balcony

Image of well lit Coral Premium Room at Coral Reef Hotel and Spa in Port Blair featuring a plush bed and a work desk and chair next to it near the window

Image of the Coral Deluxe Room at Coral Reef Hotel & Spa in Port Blair featuring chair in front of the mirror next to the window and a TV mounted on the wall in front of the bed

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